Dana Michael Harsell is an Associate Professor and Director of the Master in Public Administration Program in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at the University of North Dakota. He teaches courses in state and local government, public administration, the intersection of business and government, and the presidency. Dr. Harsell holds a BA in political science and psychology and an MA in political science, both from the University of Montana, and a PhD in political science from Syracuse University.

Dana’s research interests include public management and performance, public service provision and arts and culture policy. Harsell is a co-editor of Governing North Dakota and his recent publication, “My Taxes Paid for That?!: or Why the Past is Prologue for Public Arts Funding” appeared in PS: Political Science, 46(1). Harsell was also the recipient of a National Endowment of the Arts, Artworks: Research grant in 2014.